Shrubs, bushes, and vegetation should be kept at least one-foot distance from the house as if closer, present inadequate ventilation and are attractive conditions for insects. Stored firewood and other wood and debris close to the house can be breeding and harborage grounds for mosquitoes and is attractive to carpenter ants and termites. Water accumulation in containers and receptacles at the exterior of the house presents conditions conducive to mosquito breeding.
Dead tree branches should be trimmed or removed and trees pruned periodically to prevent property damage and personal injury. These conditions cause debris to accumulate in the gutters; damage to service entries, roof, and house; and are a path for ants and squirrels to reach the house. Safe tree planting distance from the foundation is 1 to 1½ times the anticipated final height, according to many authorities. Removal of those that do not conform is advised.
Vegetation and landscaping located within one foot in distance from or those contacting the house, and near foundations require irrigation that holds moisture, can be detrimental, and be a cause of or contributor to, basement/foundation seepage and masonry damage, house and roof damage, loads the gutters with debris, and provides an easy path for rodents and other vermin to access the house.